Worldwide delivery
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day return
(+45) 66130049


Diving 2000 provides 2 years of warranty under the Danish Purchase Act, including manufacturing and material defects found during the normal use of the product. The warranty does not cover defects, damage or wear, directly or indirectly caused by improper operation, poor maintenance, violence or unauthorized interference. Complaints about defects and missing that should be discovered by usual examination of the item must be notified to Diving 2000 within a reasonable time. The item can subsequently be returned for repair, exchange or by agreement, or credit. In the case of complaints, Diving 2000 shall incur return costs to a reasonable extent.

Complaint and event

For errors, defects, or any missed deliveries, please contact:

Diving 2000

Asylgade 16

5000 Odense C

Telephone +45 66 13 00 49

Email: [email protected]

Return of items is also done to this address - please note that we do not receive packages sent per demand. Returns can also be made by handing the item in person with us. It is not a requirement but the processing is facilitated if adequate information follows the package - e.g. copy of order confirmation, registration number and account number for bank account to which reimbursement can be made, copy of any prior correspondence, etc.

Get return bill here



In the case of agreed decards, returned goods or prepaid goods that are ordered before shipment, a full or partial refund of the purchase price must be made. Refunds are usually always by bank transfer, and Diving 2000 therefore needs information about the registration number and account number of your bank account. This information is not sensitive and may be easily disclosed by email or other traditional form of correspondence.