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Bathing shoes

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Bathing shoes - protection for the feet for the whole family

Most of us have experienced how uncomfortable it is to step on sharp rocks when on the beach. It hurts and you can easily lose your balance when you pull your foot towards you. Therefore, bathing shoes are the perfect solution to ensure a good beach trip.

Bathing shoes, or beach shoes, are made to protect the feet at the beach. They have a hard sole and are suitable for everything from swimming and kayaking. On this page you will find bathing shoes for men, ladies and children - you can easily protect the whole family's feet when you go to the beach.

At Diving 2000 we also offer diving boots. Diving boots are made of neoprene. They are thick and very insulating, and that is important when going into the depths of the diving journey. Many diving boots also have the advantage of being made to fit into heel strap fins.

Bathing shoes for winter swimming

It goes without saying that the feet are the first thing that is exposed to the cold when winter bathing. Therefore, bathing shoes are the perfect equipment for winter bathing.

When you go in the water, you often have to go down a cold metal ladder, which is hard on the feet and easy to slide on. If you have shoes on, you can concentrate on getting in the water without worrying about the ladder being uncomfortable to step on.

At the same time, you can more easily focus on the refreshing cold without having to worry about slipping or stepping on something sharp. So it will be much easier for you to get the most out of the trip in the cold water.

Protect your feet from the poisonous greater weever

Compared to many other countries, most Danish beaches are relatively safe to swim at. However, this does not mean that we do not have things we need to be aware of - such as the greater weever.

The greater weever is a poisonous porcupine fish that can grow up to 50 cm long. It digs into the sand and is difficult to see, and therefore you can easily step on it when bathing at the beach.

If you wear bathing shoes, you can prevent being stung if you step on a greater weever. That way, you can avoid the severe pain, swelling, and dizziness that the sting can cause.

If you step on a greater weever with bare feet and you suspect poisoning, we recommend that you call the Poison Line.