Worldwide delivery
Diving 2000 reviews
day return
(+45) 66130049

Right of Withdrawal

There is a 30-day withdrawal period on the goods, calculated from the day they are received.
If you choose to cancel a purchase, you have 30 days to notify us that you wish to cancel the purchase by email, telephone or similar. In your notice, you must make it clear to us that you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal. You can not regret by simply refusing to receive the item without at the same time giving us clear notice of this. Your order must be returned without undue delay and no later than 30 days after you have notified us that you wish to cancel your purchase. You bear the direct costs in connection with the return of the goods. You bear the risk for the item from the delivery of the item, and upon return, you are responsible for the item being packed properly.

The condition of the item when you return it

You are only liable for any deterioration in the value of the item, which is due to handling other than what is necessary to determine the item's nature, properties and the way it works; in other words - you can try the item in the same way as if you tried it in a physical store. If the item has been tried in addition to what is described above, we consider it used, which means that if you cancel the purchase, you will only get part or none of the purchase amount back, depending on the item's commercial value. In order to receive the entire purchase amount back, you must do the same as you can in a physical store. You may try the product, but not take it into actual use.

Once the item has been received back and approved, the purchase price will be refunded to your account within a few days. You must bear the cost of the return yourself. 
In the event of cancellation, the purchase price will be refunded with the shipping amount to the customer. (total amounts transferred)


Exceptions for right of withdrawal

  • Leisure activities, sports events, etc. are not covered by the ight of withdrawal
  • If it is stated in the agreement when (what day or specific period) the agreed event is to take place are not covered by the ight of withdrawal.

You can contact us by email [email protected].
During opening hours, we answer within 4 hours. Outside opening hours, we answer the next day.



Should you choose to return an item, you must send it to this address:

Diving 2000
Asylgade 16
5000 Odense C
Tel. 66 13 00 49
Email: [email protected]

Note that you must pay for the delivery. Please fill out the following form and follow the instructions:

Fill return form